We live in a society where most jobs are behind a desk. This means the average person can spend eight hours sitting per day at work. The long-term impact of sitting not only manifests on your waist line but can cause serious back problems. Symptoms of people who sit for too long is lower back pain, wrist pain, reduced mobility in the neck, headaches, and painful neck muscles.
While chiropractic adjustments can alleviate the pain and modify spinal imbalances, you should take precautionary measures while at your desk job. Combining chiropractic with the following techniques can help you maintain a pain free spine.
Use Lumbar Support
Using lumbar support can help improve your sitting posture. The support with draw your back up and create a curve in your spine that you have when standing. You can attain lumbar support with a rolled-up towel as an inexpensive option. To find where you should place the support, sit up tall in your chair. Roll your shoulders back and find the curve in your spine. Place the rolled-up towel in the between the chair and curve in your back.
Shorten the Periods that You Sit
Just because you have a sitting job, does not mean you have to stay glued to the chair for 8 hours. Stand up and stretch every thirty minutes. Take a short walk around the office if you are able.
Use a Stand-Up Desk
The best option for a stationary job is a stand-up desk. According to Occupation Environmental Medicine, patients who used a stand-up desk experienced 50 percent decrease of back pain. A stand-up desk can help improve your posture and take pressure off your neck and lower back. However, it is not enough to fix more serious problems such as a herniated disc or scoliosis. In this situation, you should develop a treatment plan with your chiropractor.
If you have a desk job and are suffering from back pain, it is important to seek care. Dr. Funk is a trained chiropractor in Roseville, California that can help develop a treatment plan and provide lifestyle adjustments to help you live pain-free. Contact our chiropractic clinic today!