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What is a Herniated Disc?

herniated disc

A herniated disc is one of the most common reasons patients visit a chiropractor. Thankfully, herniated discs generally respond well to treatment. Chiropractic services can help patients avoid prescription pain medication and side effects that come along with them.

Explaining a Herniated Disc

A herniated disc refers to a situation where the outer portion of one of your vertebral discs has been torn. This allows the inner portion of the disc, or nucleus, to protrude through the fibrous exterior. Herniated discs are sometimes called ruptured discs or slipped discs. The herniated portion of the disc can end up compressing nerves that surround the disc.

Common Causes

A herniated disc is usually a degenerative condition brought on by the wear and tear of normal aging. Over time, your discs lose moisture content and become less flexible, making them prone to tears and ruptures without a whole lot of stress being placed on them. Some factors that may increase your risk of suffering a herniated disc include being overweight, having a physically demanding job, improper lifting, and even genetics.

Common Herniated Disc Symptoms

Many people that have a herniated disc don’t end up experiencing any sort of symptoms, but the ones that do can feel intense pain. If your herniated disc is in your lower back, you’ll be more likely to feel pain in your buttocks, hips, thighs, and calves. If the problem is in your cervical vertebrae you’re more likely to feel pain in your shoulders and arms. Numbness, tingling and general weakness are also symptoms of a herniated disc. Typically, the muscles and body parts that are served by the affected nerves will experience these symptoms.

When to See a Chiropractor

If a doctor diagnosed you with a herniated disc, make an appointment with a chiropractor as soon as possible. However, you do not need the referral of a doctor to visit a chiropractor. If you are living with back pain, contact an experienced chiropractor to live pain free again. At Dr. Funk Chiropractic in Roseville, California, we are here to help you receive the best chiropractic treatment possible. Contact us today!

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