Modern technologies revolutionized society but also brought all kinds of health problems. Whether it is sitting in front of a computer, texting, or watching television, our posture is being impacted. “Text neck” is now a modern condition. It is due to putting stress on your spine when you are in a curled neck position. This… read more
Posts in Category: Back Pain

Many of us have jobs that we sit all day. After we work, we may go exercise but then watch TV, sitting until it’s time for bed. Excessive sitting is unhealthy for many reasons. Additionally, sitting can lead to bad posture. A chiropractor can help improve your posture and provide lifestyle tips to maintain a… read more

Summer is here which means more people are traveling. Whether you are driving or flying, you will most likely have a few hours of sitting before you arrive at your destination. This could leave your joints feeling sore and tight. Here are a few stretches for traveling from an experienced chiropractor. Stretch Ideas from a… read more

How many times daily do you stop and think about your spine? If you are like a lot of us in Roseville, that number sits at a solid “zero.” As long as we can carry on day to day we simply assume everything is just fine, unless you suffer from back pain. Those suffering from… read more

Chiropractic treatment has been associated with pain relief ever since it became part of the public consciousness. When you’ve got a sore back, shoulder, or neck, you visit the chiropractor for an adjustment and organic pain relief. However, is pain the sole reason to seek chiropractic treatment? Drawn In By Pain The most important reason… read more

When it comes to avoiding back injuries, your fate is largely in your own hands. It’s true that an unexpected fall or auto accident may cause an injury that’s beyond your control, but a large percentage of back injuries are caused by your own actions, which means you can take measures to prevent them or… read more